​Kitset - ​Nacelle and Blades

Resolux Group - Kitset, Nacelle and Blades

Over the past six years Resolux has become a preferred supplier of electrical kits for wind towers and wind turbine nacelles. ​These kits allow our tower builders to focus on what they do best, building steel towers and enable them to increase their efficiency we supply them ready to install tower- or tower section kits.​​

​​Scope of supply wind turbine tower:

  • ​Light kits
  • ​Plug & play kits
  • ​Junction boxes
  • ​Control unit
  • ​Manufactured power cable kits
  • ​Elevators

Scope of supply for blades:

  • Lightning protection
  • Bolts and Inserts

Scope of supply for nacelle​:

  • Light kit
  • ​Grounding kit
  • ​Various electrical kits

One stop kitting solution

​​Resolux Group – Your Partner for Your complex Kitting.
​​We offer a powerful and flexible Kitting Services; - consolidating, assembling, and uniting sub-elements into an efficient and more cohesive entity.

​​“ONE STOP SOLUTION” - Kitting solutions dedicated to client satisfaction.

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We are developing our core business in respect for the environment and continually expanding our scope of supply.

Have any questions?

Call us on the number below or send an email to info@resoluxgroup.com.

Inquiries are answered within 24 hours.​


We are EcoVadis rated​. Ask to see our scorecard today!


CVR​: 27180663

Slipshavnsvej 2, 5800 Nyborg - Denmark

Click here for directions